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84*6 Programmer & CV / Gate Sequencer with multiple modes
+12V | 70mA |
-12V | 0mA |
+5V | 0mA |
Width | 30HP |
Depth | 40mm |
84*6 Programmer & CV / Gate Sequencer with multiple modes
Easy to play interface + intuitive workflow + deep feature set = essential for any setup
84 page x 6 outputs
Manual recall that can be quantized to external triggers
Auto mode 1 : sequencer and arp with internal & external clock / hold / reset
- 1-1 : classic step sequencer that goes between any 2 pages
- 1-2 : arpeggiator which scroll through the pages in the same order of touch
- 1-3 : custom step sequencer up to 64 step, pages in any order you want, with realtime touch-to-hold feature
- 1-4 : 6 track gate sequencer with track mute, perfect for drum
Auto mode 2 : pressure
- 2-1 : 6 pressure outputs
- 2-2 : 3 step playable sequencer with timing controlled by pressure
Auto mode 3 : looper
- realtime looper with 5s recording time and external reset input
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